Thursday, October 18, 2018

Building Bridges

Second grade has been studying structures and buildings.

Today we listened to a favorite read aloud

And we looked at bridge types and design aspects that strengthen bridges:

And then using material constraints we built and designed bridges that could hold 2 pumpkins:

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Kindergarten Pumpkin Architects

Today we read:

Then we worked on our own pumpkin architecture.
The goal was to design and build a structure that would hold a pumpkin. 
You could only use pumpkin gummies and toothpicks.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Sensory and Movement Pathways

We're off to an amazing start this year.
We have installed 4 movement break/ sensory pathways in the school.

These pathways allow students to wiggle, giggle, and move-
 and increase success and focus in the classroom. 

Check it out:

Friday, May 18, 2018

STEAM night

Last night was our schools first STEAM night and it was a wonderful time for all.

Complete with a Family Makey Makey Challenge:

A Chain Saw Carver

And activities in the house areas....

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

POST Testing STEAM Break!

Tomorrow students will enjoy a brown bag stem break after state testing.
Brown bags include:
Makey Makey's
Dash robotics
Slime making
Jumanji Challenges
Go Kart Building
Ultimate Animal Challenges


Thursday, March 29, 2018

STEM Olympics

A little late in posting, but the 2nd graders all participated in an Olympic STEM challenge.

1. Design a skiier made of tin foil
2. Your skiier must stand on their two skiis
3. Race your skiier down the mountain and measure the distance
4. Make modifications to your skiier to increase the distance

Sunday, March 25, 2018

HATCHING!!!! updated 3/29

The chicks have begun hatching!

Update: All 8 of them hatched!

Friday, March 23, 2018

Chick Update

First graders have been hard at work turning the eggs this week.
The eggs are all set for a Monday hatch day.
We've watched this video to see what is happening inside of the chicken eggs.

Shark Tank

5th Grade Students Presented Shark Tank Style today to 
the Chautauqua Lake Association and a JCC professor of technology.

Problem: Harmful Algae Blooms in Our Lake
Solutions were presented with prototypes.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Amazing Animals

First Graders have been learning about animal adaptation and animal super powers.

We read If You Jumped Like a Frog

and designed the ultimate animal, which had two super powers.

Carrot Carriages

Our Parp Door Winners are participating in a STEM challenge
Building Carrot Carriages:

They have materials and time constraints.
The carrot carriage MUST roll independently.
The carrot carriage MUST carry the cargo of one peep and one egg.
The carrot carriage can be built ONLY with materials that were provided.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

PARP Door Design Winners!!!

These were our school-wide design challenge door winners!

Design a door that reflects both sports and books.
One week time limit
Must be student work involved
Can only be done within school hours
No paper on the windows

Mrs. Hoth's Class incorporated both Dr. Seuss's ABC book, their own ABC work and the baseball hats that they found with ABC's!  Nice work Mrs. Hoth's Kindergarteners.

Mrs. Ohl's 3rd grade class creating this winning Home Run Reader Door.
Each baseball has the student's favorite book on it!

Mrs. Buttafarro's 5th grade Students made this awesome Great Reading Race door.
They put all the reading goals around their great reading race.

Leprechaun Traps

Second Grade was busy building Leprechaun Traps.
We read That's What Leprechauns Do by Eve Bunting

Then we had the engineering and design challenge of building a trap
 that could catch and keep a leprechaun.

 Making a shamrock
 Building a false floor...
 Welcome to the Leprechaun Motel!

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Egg hatching project

First Grade begins their egg hatching project.
Be on the look out for some cute fluffy chicks the week of 3/26!