Today students in the Saturn Project
designed and built paper Alka Seltzer Rockets.
They learned about Newton's Third Law and then watched it in action.
We had varied success today and talked about variables that can affect our outcomes, like the amount of water we add, the wind knocking over our rockets, and the tightness of the cap.
These rockets can go anywhere from inches to over 30 feet in the air.
Rylan Wagner had our winning rocket travelling 7 feet into the air!!!
What you need to try this at home:
A film canister with the cap
Warm water
Alka Seltzer
When the rocket is built:
1. Fill the canister with desired amount of water
2. Add 1/4 of an Alka Seltzer tablet.
3. Close cap and set down
*NEVER stand directly above your rocket.
3...2....1.... ignition!!!