Greetings everyone:
I wanted to introduce you to a new tool that we'll be using in the Makerspace. You can use this at home or in your classroom too. It's called Creatubbles!
Here's the link to check it out for yourself:
Creatubbles link
And a quick video of an ed blogger explanation for your viewing pleasure:
I would encourage you to sign up- it's free, click around and try it out, it will honestly take a few minutes of your time. I'm always here for questions or to click around with you- teachers on Tuesdays and Thursdays I have open Collaboration!
But what is it you ask (didn't watch the video)? Well students can post their creations and see the creations of other students globally in a safe environment. This could be artwork, videos, minecraft creations, 2d collages... and honestly better and safer than posting to YouTube. We'll be using this to post our animated shorts in second grade.
Students will be posting up their videos here in about a month. They will be able to share their videos with family and friends, but that's not all... Students will also be able to comment on others video and receive feedback from students across the world who view their videos. This is a safe way for students to engage with other students, and to add positively to their digital footprint.
This transforms how students previously shared work with just their class or their families... student's work is now shared with other student's globally. Connecting them with a real audience to share their creations.
Students are Empowered Learners (ISTE 1c), Creative Communicators (6b, 6d), and Global Collaborators (7a)